We often reach out to ESL and LINC classes as much as we can to talk about certain issues that relate to new Canadians. We've had veterans go in to speak to them--a much different kind of audience--about the war. So it's not about bombing missions and troop movements; it's more about why they joined up and what it meant to go over there to represent Canada and fight for freedom. You're talking to a group of people who in many cases have come from war-torn countries themselves, so that dialogue is really unique. We seem to be getting more and more interest on that level.
We have another project called Passages to Canada, which is sort of a sister project to the memory project, but it encourages prominent immigrants or refugees, instead of veterans, to speak to young people about their experiences. We match up a passages speaker and a memory project veteran to speak about citizenship during Citizenship Week, on flag day, or at different times of the year. It's really effective and can be very memorable, not only for young people, but for new Canadians and adults as well.