Our contacts with the legions, be it at the national, provincial or community levels, are excellent. They comprise an essential tool that allows us to carry out our work. Encounters Canada works in close collaboration with the Royal Canadian Legion, as well as with the Memory Project. The history project on the Second World War would not allow us to reach out to the thousands of veterans were it not for the network of legions. They are an essential partner, and an essential institution.
Another sector of the public that I did not talk about, that plays an extremely significant role in the work that we do is that of history professors, social science and humanities teachers. It's a very difficult segment of the public to measure. We work with thousands of teachers every year. It is through them that our educational programs are given. If we reach out to one teacher, we reach out to five or six classrooms, which translates into hundreds of students. That is another approach in our work.