I would appreciate getting the paragraph in, because I think it's important and I'm going to show you the way he was treated.
This is from Frank O'Brien, who lives in Moncton, New Brunswick:
Great-West Life pressured me into applying for a Canada disability pension. At no time was I advised of the repercussions. The back-time cheque received from the Canada Pension Plan was $17,318.38, and I had to forward Great-West Life $17,611.68 of that money. On top of that, I was advised that from this amount I owed the RCMP $14,711.69. To make matters worse, I then had my RCMP pension clawed back when it should have been clawed back at 65.
So he got a cheque for $17,318.38 from CPP, and then he ended up forwarding $17,611.68—which was more than he got, because I assume that they wanted interest or whatever, I don't know—to Great-West Life. Then the RCMP came along, and from the same $17,318 he got from CPP, they wanted $14,711.69. So out of the $17,000, he paid around $30,000, or whatever it adds up to.
Because he didn't give it to them, they took it back. It's my understanding that they reduced his pension to get the money back and he's still paying. Is that fair?