I apologize for taking your time. I just had one more comment.
To go back to the note that Professor Westmorland made regarding the Veterans Affairs Canada and Canadian Forces Advisory Council, which we set up, the term PTSD was foreign to a number of us—quite a few of us. It was the old expression of the army to “suck it up”—you haven't got a problem, go and have a beer with the boys and we'll get over it—until Lieutenant Colonel Stéphane Grenier came aboard and gave a very emotional speech. General Roméo Dallaire was a member of our committee, and of course he's the one who came out of the closet, to use that term, to emphasize that problem. That penny dropped on many of us, and we started looking at PTSD, operational stress injuries. If you look at the Neary report, you'll see that it evolved into a major issue, and it carries on, of course, into the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group and the mental health advisory committee.
I'm sorry I took your time.