I have a quick comment and then I'd like to ask Joe Sharpe to respond, because he's been chairing the economic needs committee.
As a rehabilitation professional, I can tell you that the issue you raised is critical in terms of getting an individual back to wellness. Money, as we all know, can be a very stressful experience, and this, as you quite rightly say, is just a tremendous, terrible indignity that's being handed to a lot of these individuals.
This case actually came from our psychologist, who dealt with this individual. The psychologist was fit to be tied in terms of what was presented to her. All of us, without question, were really indignant that this was still going on. There's a huge concern and there's a real disconnect. You read the information, and it looks great, but when you start digging, you can see that in reality there are individuals who are really suffering, and they're being caught between a number of different points in the system.
I'd like to ask Joe to get into this in more detail.