Thank you for those comments.
Again, I can understand that, honestly speaking, with everything going on, if you are in that situation, it is probably the last thing you're thinking about. That's why I say that relationship between DND and VAC needs to be developed. This isn't the first thing you do when the injury happens. It's something that becomes part of your life steps or your life process.
The second piece is communication. That was touched on. I think everybody struggles with communication, whether it's in your business world or with your staff or whatever. Being honest here, I think everybody can improve on their communication.
I just wonder... There are some things in here about rehabilitating relationships and so forth. From your own experience, can you say there is something that worked for you or something that you have seen work for a colleague as far as communication goes? It's very vague. I wonder if you can give us some specifics about what worked for you guys.