Thanks very much.
To all of you, thanks very much for coming here today. I find every one of these meetings enlightening and challenging.
I have to say that I think every person who works for Veterans Affairs cares very much about the veterans. We've met them and talked to them. We always leave those meetings in Charlottetown or elsewhere feeling good because they tell us about all the great things they're doing to help and about their motivation and all of that. We always feel quite good when we come back to our meetings.
Then, as part of this review, we are hearing from people who clearly have frustrations. But that's why this is a living document. The whole intent was to pass the Veterans Charter and then start a review a short time later. It's meant to be changed. We're meant to be doing exactly what the committee is doing, which is listening to you.
Ms. Richard, I hope you will leave us a copy of your presentation.