There are many problems with getting through the bureaucracy. You feel as if there is no real interest in your case. You'll call Veterans Affairs, tell them your name, and the next time you call, you get somebody else and you have to repeat your whole story all over again. They're constantly losing forms and letters: “That was lost. We can't find it, so you need to resubmit that.” So you go to get the doctor's signature, you pay $50, you run and get these forms, and you call or you mail them in.
There's something odd about this as well. I sent for my agent orange pension form. It was sent to me. Any doings I have had with Veterans Affairs were either in Charlottetown or Saint John, New Brunswick. But when I got my forms, I was to send them to Campbellton.
I sent them to Campbellton, which was weird to me, because I had always dealt with either Charlottetown or Saint John. Why did I have to send my forms there? Well, it was a new office, or whatever. So I sent them there. I have not received anything--or yes, I did; I received a letter telling me it would be 24 weeks before I would hear about this pension. Well, I haven't heard anything yet.
It just seems to me that to get anything done through Veterans Affairs you need to, please, get one person to look after so many people, rather than have us get somebody different every time and have to repeat, over and over again. Your letters get lost; your forms become lost. For example, one of the widows was told, “You can't apply for that pension; you have to be ill.” It's things like this.
Or imagine receiving a letter addressed to your deceased husband. It just opens the wound all over again. It's a sad situation. We've had two or three widows receive letters addressed to their deceased husbands. How horrible is that!
Here is another thing. One widow was told, “Now, you just watch what you're saying to me. Don't you talk to me like that.” Well, this lady is in her eighties. She doesn't need to be talked to like that. Treat these people with respect. We're respectful to Veterans Affairs; they have to be respectful to us. It isn't right to be treated that way.