I'm going to continue this exchange just quickly.
There is no excuse for disrespect at any level, absolutely not. A lot of your comments today have been about the fact that you felt treated without respect, and there's no excuse for that. I can't excuse a bureaucracy that's been set up on the basis of making it complicated, showing disrespect, and such.
What we hope to do is begin to make changes, and I believe all parties believe this. I don't believe I'm just talking from our side of the table. I believe all parties do. I believe our minister, by starting a program when no government had previously, was attempting a start towards reconciliation on this issue, a start towards something. So I would just make the comment that in the years of advocacy for the groups that I've been involved with for people who've got all kinds of problems, there are different approaches that you can choose to take as a group. There are different approaches that you need to experiment with, and you've decided on your approach, and I respect it. I don't disrespect it whatsoever. I'm just suggesting to you that this role of advocacy is extremely important, and it's important for us to understand it and understand exactly where it is you want to end up here.
Today is gathering information for us.