Mr. Chair, I guess I'm a little disappointed in Mr. André's stance, because I would like to see us all carry on with this study. But it's so rigid in the wording, and if we're not going to get any comfort that it's going to be opened up to address the other problems that have been raised, I think it's a very selfish and very narrow view of what this important problem is about. I say that because the only reason I added the amendment way back was that this was simply an exercise that was going to report to the House; it didn't deal with all these other issues and complexities.
If we're just voting on the motion, we'd probably have to avoid even voting, because you haven't satisfied us that you have any interest in this being reported back to the charter review or any interest in looking at these other issues, which would require other committee involvement. At this point I just think it's an unsatisfactory motion that's way too narrow and it's not going to satisfy the problems.