Unfortunately, it's the video connection.
While we're waiting, ladies and gentlemen, while the phone isn't ringing, I might be able to get this announcement through, with translation.
March 26 is a Thursday. It's the only time we're able to get the British Service Personnel and Veterans Agency. That's March 26, from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m., because of the time change.
I just wanted to advise you of that. Of course, it's not a mandatory meeting in our schedule or anything, but it would be good if most of the members could make that. It was the only time we could get. Try to put that in your schedules and see if you can make it. That is March 26.
We'll have a meeting on March 25...no, excuse me, I'm wrong. On March 23 we'll be Washington. March 26 will be the British VA.