I looked at the schedule. I had asked that we meet with a union representative from Ste. Anne's Hospital. Also, Ms. Magali Picard, the Vice President for Quebec of the Union of Veterans' Affairs Employees, is prepared to meet with the committee. It would be interesting to hear what she has to say.
It's no secret that the next budget will call for cuts to the operating budget of Ste. Anne's Hospital. The minister shared some highly relevant information with the committee. He maintained that the cuts would not necessarily compromise the quality of services provided to veterans.
I've looked at the schedule and I think we should meet with the members of the administration team at 10:35 a.m. It is critically important, to my way of thinking, that we meet with the administrators and examine the research activities taking place at Ste. Anne's Hospital.
According to our schedule, we are slated to hear a presentation on Epikura, a nutritional program of texture-controlled foods for patients with dysphagia. Because this is a more specialized subject, I think that instead we should meet with Ms. Magali Picard, or extend our meeting, despite our already tight schedule.
That is my suggestion. I feel it's important to meet with union officials.