On the first one, is it frustrating, yes, it is. But you know, I tell graduate students when they're starting their careers, “Don't try to solve all the world's problems in one study. It's a long-range process. Bring your little pebble, throw it on the pile, and maybe you'll eventually get a small hill going.” We're not revolutionaries here.
I think everyone on the council--the academics, at least--feels it's just a privilege to be able to do something, to make some kind of contribution for our country and for these veterans. So it is discouraging. But again--and I've said this before--it's not that the department is unreceptive to our advice. The department is receptive to our advice. It just seems to have trouble getting things done. That's my interpretation of it.
Is there a consensus on research themes? Well, we have a report at every council meeting. I'm talking now about the Gerontological Advisory Council. We have had a report at every meeting on the research activities that are going on, so we are well briefed. David Pedlar is there, and we react to what he's doing.
I think the department is really going in the right direction under David's leadership, in the sense that there's a heavy emphasis on operational stress injuries. This goes back to... You asked about Ste. Anne's, that big centre now for operational stress injury research, which is really important.
There's a place now, in the new Canadian longitudinal study of health and aging, for a veterans unit, a component in there so that they can learn more. That's where it's done, because there's not a huge budget for veteran-specific research. But if you can sort of buy into various ongoing research projects, bigger nationwide projects like that, identify the veterans and get data that way, it's a... And he's been very strategic in building alliances like that, working with various Canadian institutes for aging and health. The one on rehabilitation, for example, is really important in that area.
So compared to 13 years ago, there's a huge difference now in terms of the available research data. They're still working at building up more what you might call administrative data that could be used, that you could get from records, and so forth. The council has spent a lot of time reviewing and critiquing the tools that are used to measure health status, for example, so they get better data like that. So I think a lot of progress has been made in this area.