The problem I have encountered on numerous occasions is that these men and women go through all of that. They get diagnosed with PTSD by a Veterans Affairs or military doctor, who says that their PTSD is directly from their service in Bosnia, or wherever it was; but now they have to deal with an insurance company, whose bottom line is profit and who makes it very difficult for these men and women. They now have to go through separate doctors the insurance companies put them through to prove they have the condition. You can talk to five doctors on five issues and you can get assessed with five different levels of the condition. None of them say these people don't have PTSD, but have varying levels of it. So then the size of the awards you get varies.
It becomes very complex and very frustrating for these men and women, who are going through a difficult time in their life as it is. It's the bureaucracy of it. It really seems in some ways that we're failing them when we push them off and say they have to deal with the insurance company.