Such an individual with a double leg amputation would unquestionably be assessed at 100% disability under both the old approach and the new approach. Under the former disability pension it would result in a monthly pension payment of approximately $2,500 a month for a single rate. Additional amounts would be paid if that person were married or had dependants. They would also very likely qualify for attendants allowance and exceptional incapacity allowance.
Under the new Veterans Charter the individual would receive a lump-sum amount of $276,000. The amount of EL received would vary depending on the income they had at the time of release. As I mentioned earlier, it would be 75% of their income. They would also unquestionably qualify for the permanent impairment allowance I mentioned. A double leg amputation--I stand to be corrected--would pay at the higher grade level of approximately $1,600 plus other supports, medical supports, and so on. That's basically your comparability.