A variety of factors were considered during the design. First, it's important to recognize that there is a principle established in disability management that the amount of support provided by EL--this is the earnings lost program that you're referring to--will be somewhat less than the amount an individual was earning when he or she was actually earning. I know you understand there are principles related to that.
We looked at other programs. There are other points of comparability, such as workers' compensation and so on. Around 70% is a fairly common amount, but we went to 75%. One of the reasons was that it echoes the amount that was already built into the pre-existing program that SISIP offers. A factor we had to consider was that with the new Veterans Charter, we could well have veterans with similar types of disability and similar levels of disability variously entering the SISIP program or the VAC program, so from a Government of Canada perspective it was important to have some consistency to have equity around that. Those are some of the main factors that were considered.