As you know, he was quite critical of the department. You said--and it's true--the Veterans Charter is needs-based. I agree with that. The problem is--and I don't know whether it's communication from DVA or what--there are an awful lot of veterans who think the needs-based system is based on what's good for the department, not necessarily what's good for the veterans.
We know there are many veterans who get fine quality care from DVA at all levels, but there are just as many veterans who are equally frustrated with the delays, the bureaucracy they have to fight through, the forms they have to fill out, etc.
I would just say in conclusion that I know the department is filled with quality people, but somehow you have to be able to reverse that thinking process of veterans that even if they're turned down, the fact that DVA had their best interest at heart... And it's all based on this, because there is a perception out there that it's needs-based on what's best for the department, not what's best for the veteran.
This is what I've been hearing on the street.