I don't want to interrupt your train of thought, but I'm going to anyway.
On the principles issue, one of the concepts is independence. Yet as I talk to soldiers, including last week a recently retired general, about his experience with going through the forms on release in Veterans Affairs Canada.... He was bewildered by them. This is a leading general, having trouble with the bureaucracy. They live for bureaucracy, so I'm concerned.
Without being pejorative, I'm trying to struggle with the issue that there is a fostering of dependence and interdependence in the military culture. It's part and parcel: you have to depend on your brother and sister to survive, and it is part of the dominant culture. Then Veterans Affairs says, we have to train independence.
It seems counterintuitive to me. Without saying “I want to keep veterans, injured or not, dependent”, it seems to be a problem in culture. Am I right in this or wrong?