The programs as they're currently structured certainly go a long way to meeting those needs in terms of the focus on rehabilitation: giving people opportunities to live independently; the capacity we have to look at the person, their situation, their family situation, their community situation; and trying to respond in a more holistic way to achieve the best outcome possible.
I think we certainly have that properly constructed, and that will continue to evolve. We have built into the legislation the capacity to continue to evolve the rehabilitation program to be in line with best practice as we go forward. So as new evidence comes forward about the most appropriate kinds of interventions that achieve the best outcomes, then we're well positioned to respond to that.
In terms of the other complementary benefits--and we've had lots of discussion here today about the financial benefits and whether they are adequate--those issues are currently being looked at. Not only have we had multiple reports from committees, but we also are undertaking an internal evaluation of the new Veterans Charter, which is looking at how it's working and if it's going to be prepared to respond in the future.
So it's all those pieces, not just the new Veterans Charter, but the complementary pieces that need to go along with that, like enhancing case management so we have staff prepared to deal with these clients, making sure we have the appropriate mental health supports in place across the country.
We're on the bases. We're building relationships with the Canadian Forces at the local level, and that's where we're going to see lots of solutions for these clients, because our people are involved from the get-go. From the time they're injured, there's an opportunity to build the trust, do the transition planning, and carry on.