Certainly case managers will contact family members to find out if in fact they are eligible or are interested in the benefits and services through the rehab program, and ensure they understand them. Often if it's an ill or a disabled member. However, they do have to go through the member. But what they will do is seek the permission of the member to go to the family or speak to the family, because we try with the rehab to have a comprehensive.... It's all about the family and the member and how they work with the family.
Sometimes the member does not want us to do so, and we have to respect that. But certainly the case managers work with the family. There are a variety of supports in place for family. We have OSISS, the OSISS family peer support program if the families require assistance. So there are a variety of services.
In some instances family members often have their own careers as well and don't require the assistance of the rehab program and are coping well. It all depends on the individual circumstances of the family.