As Brenda mentioned earlier, it's a big cultural shift, a big change. The old system was about money and treatment and the new system is about wellness, outcomes, and quality of life. It's very different. So if you look at the single dimension of money, of course we'd all be happy with more money, but it doesn't necessarily mean better outcomes.
Certainly as a district director in Ottawa, the problem we often encounter is people who had lower percentages of chronic back pain, 10%, 15%, 20%, who couldn't work, and it was all about money. They needed more money. It wasn't intended to be a program to replace income. They didn't have enough money, but there were no other tools we could use to assist them and help deal with that pain and earnings loss. We would see it time and time again. So they would become focused on the pension system and other conditions they had and how they could get more money, as opposed to getting better and reintegrating and re-establishing in civilian life.