No, there was a French version.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair and committee members, it's a pleasure to appear before you today with my colleague, Brenda MacCormack, who is the national director of Veterans Affairs Canada's rehabilitation program.
Mr. Chair, members of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, it is a very great pleasure to appear before you today.
We are committed to keeping you informed on how well the new Veterans Charter is meeting the unique needs of our modern-day veterans and their families. More than 20,000 clients have received support from one or more of the programs since the coming into force of the new act. We have provided you with a document that contains some client case scenarios, which, although not intended to be a complete representation of all of our client case types, do help to illustrate how the programs of the new Veterans Charter can and do make positive changes in the lives of modern-day veterans and their families.
The new Veterans Charter programs give younger veterans the tools and opportunities they need to build better lives for themselves and their families after their career in the military has ended. Prior to the introduction of the new Veterans Charter on April 1, 2006, the existing disability pension program was not responding to Canadian Forces veterans' needs for recovery and rehabilitation. The new Veterans Charter offers monthly financial payments for disabled veterans and a cash disability award to compensate for pain and suffering. The disability award offers upfront financial and investment opportunities to assist the veteran in his or her family transition to civilian life. This package of benefits is much better suited to meeting the reintegration needs of younger veterans and their families. Indeed, they were designed to support the successful transition of the whole family.
The new benefits are an integrated set of programs and services based on a wellness model. Essentially, they accrue a monthly payment that provides up to 75% of the previous salary to compensate for the loss of earnings while an individual is participating in rehabilitation, or until age 65 in cases where an individual is disabled permanently and unable to return to work. Rehabilitation services include medical, psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation, a lump sum disability award to compensate for pain and suffering, a permanent impairment allowance that provides an additional monthly amount to those who are severely and permanently impaired, health care benefits, financial counselling, help to find a job when the member is ready and a supplementary retirement benefit to compensate for the lost opportunity to contribute to a retirement plan for those who are unable to return to work. Clients and their families in need also have access to strengthen mental health services, peer support, and comprehensive case management.
The new Veterans Charter is an excellent foundation for meeting the needs of our modern-day veterans and in fact was recently recognized, as most of you would know, by an Australian study as the best in class of all such programs in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Over the past three years, VAC has made changes to maximize efficiency within its existing authority and has been exploring and analyzing the potential gaps that were identified through various sources. In addition to internal assessments of the suite of programs, we have collaborated with the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces through various fora, consulted with stakeholders, including veterans organizations, and worked with advisory groups including the new Veterans Charter advisory group, which I understand that you heard from during the last sitting, and a special needs advisory group.
Additionally, the department has examined other sources, including information on best practices of other countries. As of October 1, 2009, the new Veterans Charter advisory group report has been received by Veterans Affairs Canada and has as a major theme early intervention to rehabilitation services as a key to successful transition. The National Institute of Disability Management and Research reports that without early intervention, an injured worker has only a 50% likelihood of returning to work after being laid off for six months, with this percentage dropping dramatically to 20% after one year and to 10% after two. VAC is working closely with National Defence to ensure the Canadian Forces members who may become Veterans Affairs clients receive necessary interventions as early as possible, and this will ensure that they are able to achieve positive outcomes and successfully transition to civilian life. In other words, intervention must occur as soon as possible prior to an individual's release from the military after an injury or illness.
The design of the new Veterans Charter ensures that more money and resources are available for all modern-day veterans whose services to Canada has left them with real challenges in civilian life. It allocates more resources to those with more severe disabilities and challenges and provides a less but fair compensation for those who have no transition challenges. But even for those with minor or no disabilities, the new Veterans Charter provides a permanent statutory safety net, guaranteeing that if they ever have a need related to service, the charter is there whenever and for as long as it is needed.
We believe the New Veterans Charter will have some positive benefits. Veterans Affairs Canada is working to ensure that the new charter continues to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients and to develop approaches that promote positive results for every one of our clients and their families.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this update.
I will be pleased to take any questions now with my colleague, Brenda MacCormack.