That's a lot of ground to cover, but I'll make an effort in the process.
I think it's important to emphasize that it's a relatively new program. As you know, we've been at it now almost four years, but we have begun through various means, including the types of activities that you have indicated, Mr. Oliphant, to identify where these gaps are.
I think firstly we've had challenges in terms of communicating around the program. Oftentimes we feel that some veterans remain focused, as you've suggested, on the lump sum award and the comparison to the previous framework where there was a recurring monthly benefit or monthly pension. Part of that communication challenge is addressed in a sense through the introductory remarks this morning.
This is a dual award approach, and oftentimes folks don't look at the other side of this in terms of what these payments are really all about. The disability award itself is for compensation for pain and suffering, and it is recognition of the service that these members have made to their country. But it is intended to enable that individual to begin a transitional process to address costs they may have in terms of establishing a new home, and so on.
The other side of the dual award approach, though, is the issue around the financial benefits payable. The important consideration here is that what the program has done is to try to move away from a concept of a recurring monthly benefit that under the Pension Act was not really geared or established to be an income replacement, and with financial benefits of the new Veterans Charter, to focus on the rehabilitation and the wellness of the veteran and to enable the member to re-establish in civilian life.
So it's a very important distinction and focus that we feel sometimes may be lost. I think there's certainly much more that we should be doing and can be doing in terms of communicating the message, and certainly the opportunity to appear before you today is an example of that in terms of ensuring that the community understands the distinction.
In terms of other issues, other gaps, there's no doubt that issues such as early intervention are very critical. We've done a lot of work with our colleagues at national defence and the Canadian Forces to try to ensure a seamless and integrated approach to disability management with members, and so on. We've established, as you know, 19 integrated personnel support centres across the country. We've deployed staff to bases across the country. We've done a number of things to ensure that we are out there engaged with members as early in the process as possible, and there's probably more that we can do along those lines.
In terms of other gaps, as you pointed out, the new Veterans Charter advisory group has identified a number of issues in terms of enhancing support to families. They too have raised issues around the economic benefits, whether they're adequate for all members, and so on. These are issues we are looking at.
As you know, we have an internal evaluation going on of the new Veterans Charter, as we speak. It's scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. Those types of studies will inform us a good deal more in terms of where we ought properly to be focusing our activities in terms of addressing need.
I would like to make just one final comment, because you spoke to the service delivery issue. We are well aware of the fact that, with our changing client demographic, where our new members are situated may not necessarily be where they were with the traditional veteran. So we're doing quite a bit currently in terms of looking at how we can outreach to those clients and at whether the traditional structure we have for a framework in Veterans Affairs for serving veterans is appropriate. We've done a whole lot of activities in terms of mental health, the telemental health, outreaching to veterans that way.
So these are areas we're sensitive to, and we are directing our minds in terms of addressing them.