Mr. Chair, that's actually a very good point.
I have a couple of things. If this question is out of your realm of responsibility or advice, you can just tell me to forget about it.
Right now, as you know, we have the various contract beds for World War II and Korean War veterans across the country, including at Ste. Anne's, our last federal hospital. By the time we go to bed tonight, we're going to lose approximately another 90 World War II and Korean War veterans. When they're all gone, what happens to the two corporals that you have here on your form? They're both 31. Will they have access to a bed like a World War II or a Korean War veteran when they become, say, 70 or 80 years old?
Right now the answer is no, I believe, because those beds won't be available. Right now they're only available for World War II and Korean overseas veterans under certain circumstances. But what happens to the modern-day veterans 30 or 40 years from now when they seek permanent long-term facilities like Camp Hill, the Belcher, Ste. Anne's, etc.? What will happen to them?
Are you able to answer that, or should I move on? I just saw program direct management here, and I thought maybe that would be you.