--I grew up in the auction business and worked in it for over 20 years. You can imagine the different items that came through our auction business. There were medals and uniforms and everything.
I can appreciate what you've put in your bill. You mentioned in your speech that quite often there is no family and an executor or a trustee is left with the estate. His or her job is to finish the estate and pay up any outstanding debts or liabilities that may be on the estate, and of course this would be part of it. Certainly executors or trustees have to do their job and represent the estate, so I appreciate what you've put in there as well.
I agree with what you're saying. With museums, there is no cookie cutter for where they should all go, because they each have a special place. I know that in the Clinton Legion there is a replica of the Victoria Cross for one of the Schoenhals from Clinton. That medal is in safekeeping at the Huron County Museum in Goderich. We're quite happy to have that. As they come through the ranks at school, children of all ages get to see that medal, and I think they're better for seeing it and knowing the history that is with that medal.
Thank you for your hard work.