That's what it's about. If someone were to phone up and had some medals and didn't know what they were, or if they had some medals and did know--in this day and age you can get on a website and do some checking--they could check with Heritage Canada or the War Museum.
About five or six years ago, there was a Second World War veteran who lived in my riding in Stratford in a seniors' home. He had a tremendous collection of aircraft that were built to scale. He had built them. He had about 65 of these, including a Lancaster, and his room was full. He had no one to pass them on to. It took us over a year to find an air museum--I think it was in Manitoba--we could send these models to. I wished then that I had some space to put them up, but they are now there.
Will the odd one slip through? Maybe. But people will be able to phone up and find out what the medals are and if they have historical importance.