Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Bonjour à tous.
Welcome to the twentieth meeting of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs. We have four witnesses today. For the first hour, we have our colleague Mr. Gary Schellenberger. For the second hour, we have two representatives of the Canadian War Museum, as well as the president of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping.
Before we begin, I would like to commend our clerk and our research staff, because we just finished off this report two days ago. I am aware that they had to stay late and burn the midnight oil to make sure this was done. I want to extend my appreciation to my colleagues.
Of course, Jean-Rodrigue is not here because he's still being a new father at this time and is making sure that baby and wife are in good shape, but Mr. Cox, Georges, and Julie-Anne, our emerging new clerk, I want to thank you very much for your good work. You have the appreciation of the entire committee.
Mr. Stoffer.