My understanding of the act is simplistic, but I understand that the act basically restricts the export of a medal for 90 days to ensure that those organizations that may want to obtain it or retain it have that ability.
I don't think the act says specifically what is a medal of significance. I think that's the question that you have to ask here. What is a medal of significance? I think we go back to that as well.
To answer your first question, on whose right it is, medals are awarded to individuals for recognition of acts of service. I know, because I come from a third-generation military family. We have that sort of ethos within my family that tells us how we handle ourselves with our medals and what we do with our medals. I understand fully that there are people out there who don't have that same sort of background or historical significance, impact, or understanding of what it means to be awarded a medal, such as a medal of bravery or a medal of honour.
So how do you educate people is really the question. How do you educate people to understand what the significance of a medal is? Do you educate people by legislating it to them? Or do you do it some other way? I think in our day and age when people talk about government interference in our lives we have too many people who say it's the government's issue. Well, now you're making it a government issue. Everybody complains that every time something goes wrong the government has to sort it out and they are not taking responsibility for their own actions. So do we have to legislate everything? This is my question back to you.
People need to understand, they need to be educated, and they need to be responsible, and they can only be responsible if they've been educated. That would be my response.