--so they are preserved without getting back into the open market of buy and sell, as they are when he finds them.
I guess, in a sense, that one of the reasons why many of us have given him money to do that and have encouraged him, and when it gets down to the final strokes to give him more money so he can acquire these things, is the fact that we know they are not going to be sold again. They are not going to be out there as an item for trade on the open market.
I suppose my question was more driving at the fact that as these are bought and sold in that environment.... I understand collectors and I understand they have great motive and they want to make sure they preserve these to their original.... I suppose all the attributes that Mr. Stoffer articulated that medals are really all about is the reason why. But in the other situation I'm familiar with, where they are trying to be repatriated and not be bought and sold, do you think this is something we should be dealing with here, or should we let it happen as it is today?