Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
To speak of a topic as weighty as operational stress injuries in a brief ten-minute span is not an easy thing, especially for a former general who has now become a fledgling politician.
I'm going to do a quick overview in order to leave the time needed for questions, when the topics of particular interest to you can be broached in greater detail.
I know that prior to this, other committees of the House and of the Senate have studied post-traumatic stess. However, it is a fact that studies require revisiting and updating. And so I congratulate your committee for having undertaken this study of injuries sustained in combat or conflict. These are not diseases, but truly operational injuries, and they should be treated with the same urgency and empathy as physical injuries, that are often easier to detect.
The stigma of having an operational stress injury within a very Darwinian organization like the forces has taken a fair amount of time to make its way into the acceptability, in the culture of the forces, that someone who is injured between the ears--not overtly visible--has the same requirements of urgency and need of care and return opportunities to either full employment or partial employment, or the support from Veterans Affairs, as someone who has any other physical injury. It took us years to simply identify this as an injury. From the minute we mentioned mental health, everyone went running. No one wanted to live with that stigma, which exists still today in the civilian world.
I'll provide a very short history before we can go to questions. Prior to 1997 we had one small clinic at National Defence headquarters that was at about 40% capacity. I was then chief of staff of the assistant deputy minister of personnel and was responsible for all of the medical staff and that clinic, which fell under my authority. It became evident that we were missing the boat in regard to this injury, with an increasing number of family breakups; of early retirements due to pressures from family; of increased substance abuse, including alcohol; and of increased discipline problems, even to the extent of a number of excellent soldiers all of a sudden seeming to turn bad and ending up in front of judges and prosecutors, who couldn't figure out why such circumstances had arisen.
In 1997 I was to present a report to the media that essentially said that although we had a raft of suicides.... Remember, ladies and gentlemen, we really started this new era with the Gulf War, and so we are talking about 1990-91. By 1997 we had troops in Bosnia, Rwanda, and Somalia. So we already had a fair amount of visible casualties, but certainly a lot more non-visible casualties, by 1997, and we had adjusted nothing by that time. However, the report that I was supposed to present said specifically that the 11 suicides over the past were not directly related to operational stress. There were said to be a whole variety of other reasons that all of a sudden simply got exacerbated by the fact that the member of the forces was deployed and was predisposed ultimately to maybe taking their own life.
I refused to recognize that as a reality and started a campaign after becoming assistant deputy minister of personnel of looking, with Veterans Affairs Canada, at the whole arena of operational stress and “PTSD”, as we finally had it coined, recognizing the fact that PTSD could be a terminal injury. In so doing, the care, the therapy, the institutions, and the recognition by the chain of command and the forces of this injury had to make a massive leap forward, or we were simply going to continue to lose a lot of very good soldiers, sailors, and air persons not only because they were injured but also because the impacts on the families were simply not sustainable. We were going to lose our shirts with regard to our enormous investments in very qualified people who, after one or two missions, could not continue to serve or who had become administrative discipline problems, ending up in jail, or worse, with some of them killing themselves.
We have been at it for 13 years now, and over that time there have been numerous initiatives at both National Defence and Veterans Affairs. In early 1998 I was able to have a brigadier general transferred to Veterans Affairs as liaison instead of a lieutenant colonel. His name was Pierre Boutet and he'd been the judge advocate general.
For five years he and an assistant deputy minister called Dennis Wallace worked on a massive reform inside Veterans Affairs for the recognition of this injury, but also the recognition that they were in a new era where they were going to pick up casualties, versus the era of anticipating simply losing clientele due to the previous wars.
Larry Murray, an ex-admiral of the forces, became deputy minister of Veterans Affairs after 2000. He continued this significant review that ended in 2004 with the Neary report, which I participated in tabling with him. It recommended that we have not only a new Veterans Charter, but a new way of looking at the casualties and their care.
We've now created clinics. Both Veterans Affairs and National Defence have clinics. We've created joint offices to exchange information, although the computers still don't talk to each other, so there's still a major problem in medical documentation. We have moved into the arena of prevention before deployment.
My son was on a ten-week course for recruits in Saint-Jean. They had a three-hour session with a new-generation veteran who suffered from PTSD, but who was part of the peer support structure. My son said it was the most riveting three hours of the course. The next day four guys quit because they felt it was too much. This whole preparatory exercise has matured, and still needs to be worked on.
There's the in-theatre recognition of casualties, and actually deploying therapists into the field. In 1992, when I commanded my five brigades and had troops in Bosnia, I mentioned that we should have some of that sort of scientific knowledge there to pick up the casualty data. It was said to be unnecessary. We have rectified that.
I think the strength right now is in the coming home and recognition of those who are casualties. The system that is now in place is pretty sophisticated in identifying those who might be at risk. The question, however, is what do we do beyond that recognition? In particular, what are we doing about the reservist who has gone back to Matane, is 500 kilometres from the nearest base, 200 kilometres from the nearest hospital with any real psychiatric capability, and is isolated out there after serving maybe up to 18 months in a high-intensity operation, and maybe more than that due to multiple deployments?
The risk arises when the soldier returns home. Preparation in the theatre of operations can always be improved, but the risk arises when the armed forces member returns home. We have to see what can be done to minimize the consequences of this injury for the individual, to convince him to seek therapy and take medication. It is important that he or she receive support from peers. Families must be helped to understand the individual who comes back injured, and care must be taken to prevent substance abuse, and to prevent the individual from committing criminal acts and winding up in jail. And ultimately, the person must be prevented from committing acts that could lead to suicide.
I will give you a short anecdote, if I may, to indicate that if you're studying operational stress injuries and the impact thereof on the forces, it is essential that you study the families also. When I returned from Rwanda, my mother-in-law said that she would never have survived World War II if she'd had to go through what my family went through. My father-in-law commanded a regiment in World War II. The whole nation was at war, so everybody had something to do with it. There was very little information that was let out, and even the technology of that time was quite limited.
In this era, however, the families live the missions with the troops. They are continuously zapping every communications means they have in order to find out if we've been killed, injured, captured, if the mission has gone sour, about any frictions there might be. So when you return from missions, you're not returning to a household that “held the fort”, as it historically used to be called, but in fact you're returning to a family that has already gone through significant stresses of seeing what's going on but not necessarily being able to influence it. I must say, though, that the availability of the Internet and those communications have alleviated somewhat the distance between the troops in the field and the families.
So we are now at the stage of looking into the future. Last week I was at a symposium in Montreal, an international symposium on operational stress, that was led by Veterans Affairs and an international body now garnering more and more data and building the capacity in regard to research on this injury, the sources of it, and the means of attenuating it.
I also was two days ago at a forum in Kingston called the Canadian Military and Veteran Health Research Forum--led by Queen's and RMC--that was meeting one criteria that I was most fearful of maybe falling through the cracks. Afghanistan was supposed to end in 2011. We will end the combat element, but we will still have troops in the field and potentially in harm's way, so we will continue to have need of support. But it was feared that as we tone down that mission, we would also start to tone down the needs of the casualties, and Veterans Affairs Canada and DND would not recognize that the girls and boys who have done three or four tours are now going to come down from that adrenalin high. The impacts of those missions are going to start to hit them as they come back to a certain level of normalcy, and that's when operational stress comes in spades. So you're going to have a significant increase of those and their families who have now so far been able to sustain it.
The other thing is that we started with nothing in 1997. I went to the United States veterans affairs clinic in White River Junction, Vermont, to meet the head of that. His name is Dr. Matthew Friedman. I asked him to help us build ours, because they'd had Vietnam and we'd had nothing of real significance except a bit of Congo, a bit of Cyprus, since Korea. There was no depth in our capabilities.
They readily helped us. They gave us a statistic that was interesting, and I'll end with that, before we go to questions. They told us they didn't want us to go through what they had gone through in the Vietnam War. On that black wall in Washington, there are 58,300 names of those who were killed in theatre in Vietnam. However, by 1997, 22 years later, they had on the books, for those they were able to record, just under 102,000 suicides directly related to the Vietnam experience.
So how many real casualties did Vietnam cost them? Was it 58,000, or was it maybe closer to 160,000?
I ask you the same question: how many real casualties have we taken? Is it 152, or maybe 170 or 175? I can tell you about my mission in Rwanda; I had casualties in the field, and two years ago, 14 years after the mission, one of the officers committed suicide.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're into a subject of enormous import to those who are serving and to their families. I would contend it's also of enormous import to the operational sustainability of the Canadian Forces in order to keep the experienced troops healthy and able to sustain such injuries.
Thank you.