First of all, I had an opportunity to attend an event in Quebec City in February—I mention this example because in my own province of Quebec, there is a gap in that regard. We held an event, as well as a press conference, under the banner “The Francophone Force”. We invited former soldiers who had fought in World War II; I'm thinking, in particular, of Mr. Lamontagne, who was the Mayor of Quebec City and Lieutenant Governor of Quebec. On that occasion, many former members of the Forces agreed to tell the story, on our website, of what they did during World War II and what their contribution was, so that this all becomes part of our collective memory.
And, as you can see, public events of this type are becoming more and more frequent, where people come together to honour those who died for us. It is a growing movement. I recently saw the boomers, for example—those who fought in World War II. They asked to have their own distinctive symbol—not quite a medal, but something to honour them. So, we are currently looking at the feasibility and cost of such an initiative.
If, in my time at the Department, I can do something to better serve the veterans of World War II, whose numbers are shrinking at a rate of 2,000 a month, and to give them a better quality of life, I think that we in the Department will have done something fitting for them in this last phase of their lives.
At the same time, it is up to us to adapt our services to these “new” veterans returning from Afghanistan or somewhere else, or from missions abroad. So, we are facing two challenges—two different challenges. As I say, if we don't give these people a chance to return to an active civilian life so that they can continue to grow, we will have missed the boat. It is critical that we succeed. That is our challenge, in the current budgetary context, as it is for any department.