That's a great question.
Our organization is light years ahead of where it was years ago. In 2002 I actually walked down to Stadacona with a whole bunch of forms to do the very first screening on sailors. These are the guys who went out after 9/11, the 2,000 guys who went out. I'm sitting there I'm thinking, “Jeez, they're going to crucify us. Here I am in an army uniform and I'm going to walk on the ship and do this.”
One of the crusty old petty officers that was on the ship said, “It's about fucking time. It's about time you're asking us how we're doing.”
Many times over the years I've seen people who have come from the post-deployment screening, and I've asked, “You've been sick: so why now?”, to which they've said, “It's the first time somebody has asked me.”
Nothing is perfect, but you get education, you get training, you learn about these things, you have courageous people who are suffering illness stand up and say, “Hey, it happened to me, and I got help.” In the context of--