I'll give you a short answer. You are correct in stating that the sooner the individual is pegged as suffering from PTSD, the more chances there are of his being accepted into a social normalcy.
Also, care facilities should be placed in the areas where they can be utilized. The only one that we have available, I think, is up in Ontario, and the waiting list is a mile long. I mean, they only have so many they can deal with. I hear there is program now on the fifth floor at Stadacona, which is running a fabulous program, but that's geared toward addictions.
What we need is a centre where I can walk in after being diagnosed with PTSD and have men like this—psychologists and medical doctors like Heather McKinnon—who can say, “Now we are going to treat you, you are coming in here at this percentage of normalcy and we're going to increase that, if we can, to a point where you can be taken back into the social sphere of things.”
The biggest thing is getting us to socialize again. We don't want to socialize. We want to be left alone. Again, it comes down to trust. It's such a teeter-totter. If you get me on a good day, I'll talk to you; if you get me on a bad day, I won't even look at you.