It is very simple. When I came back from the mission in East Timor, I lost 35 pounds of muscle mass in 9 days. I went to see army doctors who told me that there was nothing wrong with me, and to stop bothering them, because there was nothing wrong with me.
I am fortunate enough to have a friend whose father is a doctor. He told me that on the contrary, there was something wrong with me and that he was going to give me a check-up.
I received analyses from civilian specialists—because the army found strictly nothing at all. I passed tests proving that I am 61 times more radioactive than the acceptable limit. When I came back with medical proof to the military authorities, I was told two things. The first was that I had no right to get medical care from civilian doctors. Secondly, they told me, and they were laughing, to forget that because, legally, no Canadian soldier has ever been intoxicated with uranium.