Thank you.
Honourable members of Parliament and of this distinguished and critical committee,
I am Brigadier-General David Kettle, Chaplain General to the Canadian Forces.
It is a great honour and privilege for me to be here this morning to speak in support of our veterans. It is the mandate of the Chaplain Branch, on behalf of the chain of command, to provide effective religious and spiritual support to our men and women in uniform and their families throughout Canada and around the world.
I will be using my notes today to save time, and because I am very proud of my chaplains. I have a habit of going on too long about their extraordinary work within the Canadian Forces and with our veterans.
During these challenging times, with Afghanistan, Haiti and certain domestic operations like OP PODIUM, we have thousands of military personnel deployed, providing outstanding service, often to suffering and struggling people.
The service of our soldiers, sailors, and air personnel on behalf of a grateful nation requires great dedication and commitment, and sometimes the sacrifice of health, well-being, and even life itself. Through the ministry of presence, the chaplaincy is involved with our members at every level of a member's military career--in garrison, on the land, in the air, on the sea, and on deployment--and veterans often continue the relationship with chaplains they know and trust after leaving the Canadian Forces. We are there when a member has fulfilling professional moments and we are there when a member is injured, standing alongside and providing spiritual care that is encouraging and health-enhancing. We can continue to be with our veterans through our chapels and as their friends.
I'm trying to develop a linkage here, ladies and gentlemen, that although we do not officially give spiritual and counselling care to veterans, certainly unofficially we do.
In addition to having chaplains available to our people in garrison, on exercises, and on deployments, we have specialized chaplains with Master of Arts degrees in counselling as integral team members with our mental health specialists in our operational trauma and stress support centres. We have experienced chaplains who provide ministry to our joint personnel support units and our integrated personnel support centres across Canada. This sends a very clear message that total care for all soldiers, sailors, and aircrew includes religious and spiritual support.
At the Directorate of Casualty Support Management Centre, where all veteran support is coordinated, we have a full-time former military chaplain who has a network of retired chaplains and civilian clergy across Canada, in both urban and rural settings, who are available to respond effectively and to support a veteran on very short notice. Sadly, as of April 1, this position has been cut.
Our men and women in uniform deserve the very best care our nation can provide as they do their best to serve Canada and the world, and our veterans also deserve nothing less than our best as well.
The new Veterans Charter is an indication of our nation's commitment to our military members and their families. It is with deep satisfaction and pride that the chaplaincy of the Canadian Forces is fully engaged with all the support programs provided by the new Veterans Charter, and it is a source of deep satisfaction and pride that our veterans have the spiritual and religious services they deserve and require in order to return to fulfilling lives following injury or illness.
Thank you for your time.