Good morning, everyone.
I give apologies from our director, Colonel Hodson, who wasn't able to make it this morning. Lieutenant-Colonel Nicole Gray was going to be here this morning as well; she's become unwell, so she gives her apologies. Colonel Gray has passed on to me a few notes to pass on to you this morning.
I'll speak for a few minutes and then I'll be very happy to take any questions that you might have.
I'll start off by talking about the resilience training that we are undertaking for our ADF members--our Australian Defence Force members--and veterans. The BattleSMART program has been around for a few years now. The SMART in BattleSMART stands for “self-management and resilience training”. It's our preventive approach that we've developed for mental health problems. It's based on cognitive behavioural principles, and it aims to build individual and team psychological resilience by enhancing coping flexibility.
I'm not sure how much you know about the BattleSMART program, but I'll be very happy to take any questions that you might have. I've been involved in the development of BattleSMART since the very start, and it's evolved a long way since the very early stages. We deliver this BattleSMART program to all of our defence force recruits during their ab initio recruit training, so it's army, air force, and navy recruits who receive this psychological resilience training.
We've also developed a version for members before they deploy overseas on operations, and we're developing a version for them before they return to Australia at the end of deployment. That post-deployment version of BattleSMART is going to be integrated into a third-country decompression trial that we are going to be doing later this year. We have been asked by our government to do a trial of third-location decompression.
I'll answer questions that you might have about what we're going to be doing there. It's not in my field of expertise, but I can certainly flag any questions that you have that I don't know about and get back to you about more details on what we are doing with our third-location decompression trial.
The BattleSMART program is developing very well. As I said, we introduced it last year for the first time for members deploying to Afghanistan as part of the Mentoring Task Force 1. We're going to be delivering it to the soldiers who are deploying this year. As well, we're going to be taking over from the mentoring task force in Afghanistan.
We're also developing a version of BattleSMART for members who transition out of defence to the civilian community, and we're developing a version for family members as well. The version for those who are transitioning out of defence is called LifeSMART. It's self-management and resilience training for people leaving defence and dealing with the uniquely stressful events that they're going to have to deal with once they leave the defence force.
Does anyone have any questions about the resilience training we're doing?