Yes, I totally agree with you, and I'm sure that ours is not the only country that has this problem. We need to work much more closely with our Department of Veterans' Affairs to monitor what's going on.
One of the initiatives that has started in the last couple of years is an initiative of the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, which is a centre of excellence in Australia. They're based down in Melbourne. They do a lot of research into post-traumatic mental health, so that's post-traumatic stress disorder and the like. They've come up with a project to look at how we can reach out and engage with ex-service members--members of our defence force who have left--and how we can help to reach out and engage with them.
That website I was telling you about is one initiative, but we are looking at the other ways there are for engaging with people who may not voluntarily come forward and seek help, so it's going to involve the community a lot as well.
These are the initiatives that we're working on. The government has given us money to advance these different projects. In 2007 I think the government committed about $1.6 million over several years to look at how we can do things better in engaging with veterans in the veteran community.
We acknowledge that this is a major problem, and at the moment there are deficiencies, but we are working on them.