Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm just going to read a little bit from the report. It says that:
...30% of all new favourable RCMP pension assessments over the past year were for psychological injuries. While many disability claims for psychological injury are often the result of a traumatic event, others are compounded by cumulative and prolonged stress in the work environment. The evidence, supported by the literature, suggests that cultural factors, such as low supervisor and co-worker support, are key inhibitors to successful recovery.
You mentioned that as of today somebody is starting to look at wellness in the force. That's okay here, but in the individual detachments that's a real challenge. In the community that I'm from, I know that quite often they're struggling with staffing issues and workloads, and it's very difficult. I really think an important area that needs to be addressed is to have the staffing in the local detachments, where they can deal with the family.
I wonder if you can give me some comments if you feel that's correct. Can you tell me if there anything in the plans in the future for the RCMP to address that issue?