Good morning. I am glad you are here today.
I have some questions that are a bit general. We have already met with a number of Veterans Affairs officials. From a military perspective, they talked to us about the levels of post-traumatic stress syndrome. They described the various situations that cause members of the military to suffer from PTSD while on missions. Since you are an RCMP official, I would like to hear more about situations that cause PTSD and the services that are currently available.
In addition, we heard statistics on members of the military who suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. The percentages were quite high. Do you have any statistics or percentages on RCMP members suffering from PTSD?
In your overview of the options, the advantages and disadvantages of the Veterans Charter, it talks about the disability and lump-sum payment. It says that moving to a lump-sum award will be seen as a loss to many members of the RCMP. That issue of the lump-sum payment in the Veterans Charter is something that we, the committee members, are interested in right now. Could you tell us about the disadvantages you see as compared with your current disability pension?