Thank you very much for clarifying that. One of the things we have done, as the chief has talked about, is to make sure that people going into high-stress areas are assessed prior to going in, during the time they're there, and upon leaving. Does that prevent...? I think what it does is point out to us that there might be issues, so we don't put people at a higher risk of having an operational stress injury into those positions to begin with.
There's another thing that we've done, and again, I need to preface this by saying that this is fairly new to us, so the amount of research that we've done on it isn't extensive. What we have done is the resilience education and development program that I've talked about. The program allows people to gain some information and some psycho-education around the issues they go through and the reactions they have, so that they know these reactions are absolutely normal reactions to abnormal situations.