Mr. Bruyea, thank you so very much, not only for what you've done for us in the past, but also for what you're doing today and what you've been doing for 11 years. No doubt your frustration is very strong, but we are reviewing the charter, specifically because we want to hear from you.
In case you don't know, and I'm sure you do, this committee tends to work in a non-partisan way. It doesn't matter who's in government; mistakes are made. Our job is now to review this charter and try to make the necessary improvements. I appreciate you and your wife coming and commenting as you have and giving us these recommendations so that we can look at what we can do. I know that all of us have the same intent in this committee, and it's to try to make life better for our veterans.
You certainly raise a variety of issues, and the lump sum payment is one aspect that I think some of us have concerns about, but I want to ask you about the 299 recommendations.
You have a wonderful report here. It must have taken you a lot of time to put together. It's clearly reflective of your 11 years of advocacy. What keeps you going? It's 11 years; you and your wife have suffered personal pain and problems trying to deal with something that you wouldn't give up on. What keeps you going? Why do you keep doing it?