I wasn't so much talking about identifying the children, as children tend to do that themselves. They tend to find others who are going through the same issues. I would think they have more of a comfort zone or a support system than being sent to a public school where kids are not experiencing the same thing. Kids from the oil patch are not experiencing the same thing, so they don't provide that support system. I was more asking about that.
There is another thing that has been touched upon, and it's touched upon all the time when we bring this up. I think it's something we need to address, if not through the Veteran's Charter, then in some way, shape, or form.
We talked today about an individual who was in Bosnia three times. Many, many members are sent out of the services or leave the services voluntarily without being diagnosed with PTSD, but they do have PTSD. It's years later that they come to terms with it, and they have no choice but to come to terms with it. Oftentimes, as you stated, it has ruined their family life.
I would like to hear more from you with regard to the difficulties these people go through in trying to access the services, and how critically important it is that the government steps up and makes it easier for these people.
I'm dealing with a gentleman right now who finds it hard enough to admit that he has been diagnosed with this. He gets diagnosed, and now he can't get any help because he has to go through Sun Life, or wherever else he has to go.
Could you comment on that, please?