Thank you both for being with us today in this study we're doing.
I find it interesting, and I think, Mr. Zimmermann, you're going to the heart of what the new Veterans Charter was meant to accomplish: moving towards a reintegration into the workplace, into family. That's the core of what it's meant to do, and Ms. Pickrell Baker, you are pointing out that the implementation of it may not be working. The motivation is there, but we may have to work out some practicalities.
So I have two questions. The first one has to do with case management, which is really I think what you were talking about at the core of your remarks. We met earlier with the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, who talked about their model of case management being holistic, bringing in a variety of caregivers and professionals, including TT, healing therapy and touch, which I know you are involved with, social workers, medical workers, and pain management people.
Is that what you are pushing towards, some centralized forum where a family knows they have one caseworker to go to, and that it is very locally administered? I don't want to put words in your mouth, but is that what you're going towards?