Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like to continue with the theme of rehabilitation. You mentioned health and safety at work and talked about the CSST. We do rehabilitation to a degree. An individual is accepted according to his level of education. If he has already been to university, he can continue his studies in some other field of interest. On the other hand, someone who has only finished the second year of high school, enlists in the Armed Forces and becomes disabled, cannot be accepted. That depends on the degree of disability. Clearly, 5% disability is completely different from 90% disability. At that level, some training can be given.
Could you tell me what is being done now, and what you would recommend? You have both identified the problems, you have put your finger on the problems that we are facing now. What do you recommend? We must not let the Canadian Armed Forces do your thinking for you. I am not sure that it would go very far, as far as thinking goes. You have to live with these problems; what would be your recommendations on the matter?
I have seen that 75% of the people were in rehabilitation. The program lasts from 18 to 24 months. You said that you did some training with companies. Have you thought of paying a certain amount of money, of paying the person's salary while they are learning?
We know that self-esteem is really important, whether it be for someone who has had an accident or an injury. Leaving people alone, even with 75% of their salary, will not create self-esteem or encourage them to find a job. They have to be told that they are capable of finding a job. At some stage, we must let people fend for themselves. At the moment, we want to look after people and do their thinking for them. We tell them that we will find them a job and that if they do not have the skills, we will train them. At that point, there is no self-esteem any more. There is no self-esteem when we find the jobs for them.
In your opinion, what should we do to change the Veterans Charter and to give veterans the self-esteem that will let them go out and find a proper job?