It could be those kinds of things. That's exactly right.
Even major insurance companies such as the insurance company of British Columbia, for example, have moved towards structured settlements, and those are the ones we are seeing.
Some other jurisdictions do have lump sum payments. The Australian workers' compensation boards, for example, still have lump sum payments, but they are always paid out as structured settlements, because there's overwhelming evidence's almost like winning the lottery for a lot of individuals. All of a sudden the resources have been used up and all of a sudden you come into a whole lot of money. It's just the reality of our world that if you have a lot of money, you're going to find a whole lot of friends who are going to help you spend it. That's just the nature of how this is going to work. That's why that approach is not being used. There are some very fixed targets around that aspect.
In terms of rehabilitation and return-to-work expectations, I had the privilege of being involved with the design of the Veterans Charter. In many instances I use my own personal experience, and from my perspective, if I hadn't been able to get back to work six months after my accident, even though there were a horrendous number of challenges, I just wouldn't be here. It is absolutely vital for the individual to be able to maintain a place in society where they can deal with their friends and colleagues and where they can forget about that. I think the point that Sandra made is absolutely key in terms of the family. I found that being able to work and to continue and not to sit between your own four walls had a huge impact on all aspects of health, whether psychological health, social health, or involvement in recreation.
I carried on for a year with physiotherapy while I was working, and that was accommodated. You can imagine that 33 years ago, the notion of accommodation didn't really exist, especially in a logging operation on the west coast. Accommodating somebody who has a broken back--well, nobody had ever heard of that before. I think that is where this is absolutely vital. From our point of view, it's that immediate link, because all of a sudden you're dealing psychologically with a significant life altering disability. This is not something that's going to go away; it's something, to be crass, that you go to bed with and you get up with in the morning, and to face a significant level of economic loss on top of that of course compounds it. If you have essentially what this amounts to--hope of being able to participate, of being able to support your family, and in some measure of being able to continue in society as a contributing member--it's key to your mental well-being as well as your economic well-being.