That's an interesting comment. I think in part you've hit the nub of it, which is really the whole notion of the military family and that individuals want to stay within that military family. At the same time, I know enough veterans and enough processes, and there's the example I mentioned earlier, where DND has successfully created a partnership with rehabilitation facilities, so you're not starting from scratch. I think that opportunity exists and I think this is also well understood.
I don't know that there is really a need, because when I look at individuals who have been discharged, are outside of the system, and all of a sudden have to deal with a case management organization, such as the one that's being employed here that was hired from the U.K.—from what I understand, they didn't even have a base in Canada before they started—there's really no difference to that. I think there's a great opportunity to be far more structured in that regard, and you have some good models to follow.
The other part is that the government absolutely has a responsibility as the employer, in my view, and has the opportunities. It's not like we are asking a small retailer around the corner to have a responsibility. We're talking about a huge agency that employs 220,000 individuals in a whole cross-section of jobs. For those of us who are in the business, if you will, or work in the area of accommodation and trying to optimize opportunities for individuals.... Essentially we all define and identify ourselves with the work that we do. It's unfortunate, but the reality is that who we are and what we do is a large part of our sense of self-identity. It's our sense of being able to contribute and to be able to continue supporting our families. If we can't do that, obviously the corollary is, and continues to be, all of the social and psychological issues that Sandra talked about and the impact on the families.
The government is the employer. In my view, it has an unequivocal responsibility, much like how we as employers in the private sector have an obligation. We have the duty to accommodate, as do so many other organizations that recognize they have a responsibility and that it is in their best interests, it is in our society's best interests, to maintain the productive and human capital of every individual, and not focus on what may be, in some cases, a minor disability and ignore the fact that we all have abilities regardless of who we are and what we do.