First of all, thank you for being here today.
I have a few questions concerning the New Veterans Charter. I know that you meet with the Royal Canadian Legion approximately once a year and as often as necessary, and that is a good thing. You have perhaps been made aware of the fact that, with the New Charter, there have been cases of mismanagement of the lump sum by new veterans. I have heard about a situation that, I am told, occurs quite frequently, much too frequently in fact. When returning from combat or from a mission, some veterans buy a house, get married and, unfortunately, because they are veterans and face numerous problems, their wife leaves them perhaps a year later and gets half the value of the house. I hear about this.
Sometimes, this lump sum seems to create certain problems. Has this issue been brought to your attention? Will you be taking steps to ensure that the lump sum doesn’t disappear too rapidly, as apparently, it does?