It's a point well taken. When we speak about seamless transition from the Canadian Forces to Veterans Affairs, we speak about not just a seamless transition in having a disability application. We speak about a seamless transition in moving from one full organization to another and having a transition interview, having a discussion, having a case manager, and having assistance with making applications for, as you say, a disability benefit. In addition to that, once a disability benefit is assessed, then you have to actually access a treating professional, so that you would have all that put in place for you.
So when you're asking if four to six months is a long time, yes, it can be a long time in some instances. It can be a very short time, too. A hearing loss may not be the only issue that the individual has. One doesn't just return from Afghanistan, as you say, have a hearing test and then enter the police force. If we're listening to Mr. Laidler, there are a lot of activities that--