On the document we have from Ms. Charlotte Bastien, she indicates halfway down that for 2010–11 more than 3,700 releasing members participated in a transition interview. We roughly have about 5,000 leave the service every year due to medical or normal retirement or through attrition. That means approximately 1,300 people are not going through a transition interview. May I ask why?
I assumed that when everyone was ready to depart—either a 3(b) release or an honourable discharge—there would be a transition interview. Not only are some folks with post-traumatic stress disorder having challenges, but I've known guys with 35 years of military service who have got out and a year later they were kind of lost. They didn't know what to do with their lives any more, because of that comfort level they had within the structure of the military lifestyle. Can I ask why the rest are not going through this transition interview?