With the JPSUs that have been put in place, the joint personnel support units, this system is a lot easier now with the transition of the file between DND and VAC. What is going to happen, especially with our most severely injured soldiers, is that before the file is transferred, we will have a meeting with all the stakeholders around the table, making sure all the information is passed on from one organization to the other, to make sure the transition is as streamlined and transparent as possible, so that there is a continuum of service between the two organizations.
This will take place at different timelines, depending on how complex the case is and how many services need to be put in place before there is a transition, a release date. This is basically how the system is going to work.
If the file is less complex, there will be less need for a meeting like that, and you're going to go through the transition interview. This is where you're going to be introduced to the services that could be available for you, depending on your needs.
Those are basically the two ways it could happen.